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Our Mission

Offering a better quality of life and security has always been the strongest motivation for us. Our products save lives and give people more security.

Our Vision

ST-PEBS is ready for the market.


We are in the starting blocks with a partner or investor to bring ST-PEBS into every fire engine, ambulance or construction site, to install ST-Home in every house or apartment, to install ST-Automotive in every car, truck or bus.


As well as the other variants of PEBS to be found in every aircraft, yacht or marina, in industry, in hospitals, schools or kindergartens.


The potential is enormous.


This revolutionary technology is unique in the world.


We hope you will recognize the greatness of this product and become a part of it.


We would like to introduce PEBS to you personally.


Contact us, we look forward to your questions.

Protecting the world together

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